Dental Coverage in the Veterans Administration: An Urgent Need for Improvement
SEP 25, 2018

Access to quality dental care is of utmost importance for individuals' overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, the dental coverage provided by the Veterans Administration (VA) has been widely criticized for being below average. Many veterans have shared their horror stories and experiences of inadequate dental care within the VA system. However, there is hope for those with Medicare Parts A and B, as comprehensive dental coverage is available for eligible individuals, including veterans residing in surrounding areas. In this article, we will explore the deficits in dental coverage in the VA system and highlight the alternative dental care options available for veterans through Medicare.

Challenges with Dental Coverage in the Veterans Administration:

Veterans who rely solely on the VA for their dental care often face numerous challenges, including limited services, long waiting times, and subpar quality. The level of coverage for dental procedures provided by the VA is often far from comprehensive, leaving many veterans struggling to afford necessary treatments.

Additionally, the VA dental benefit package mainly focuses on treating severe dental conditions rather than prevention and routine dental maintenance. This approach fails to address the importance of regular check-ups and preventive measures, leading to further deterioration of veterans' oral health.

Medicare Coverage: A Ray of Hope:

While the VA dental coverage falls short, veterans who have Medicare Parts A and B can take advantage of comprehensive dental coverage options available to them. These alternative options offer a myriad of benefits, offering veterans an opportunity to improve their oral health and overall well-being.

  1. Up to $20,000 in Comprehensive Dental Coverage: Eligible veterans living in the surrounding areas can now access comprehensive dental coverage through Medicare, ensuring that they can receive the required treatments without excessive financial burden. This coverage extends beyond treating severe conditions, focusing on preventive care and routine dental maintenance.

  2. Annual Giveback on Social Security Income: In addition to comprehensive dental coverage, private citizens with Medicare Parts A and B are also entitled to a $1500 annual give-back on their Social Security retirement income. This benefit provides a financial boost, enabling veterans to allocate their resources towards the things they love, such as hobbies, travel, or spending quality time with loved ones.

Take Control of Your Dental Care: Sign Up Today!

If you are a veteran with Medicare Parts A and B, it's time to take control of your dental care and explore the options available to you. By contacting a licensed health insurance benefits advisor today, you can receive a free benefits check-up and gain insight into how to sign up for the comprehensive dental coverage you deserve. This opportunity not only brings improved oral health but also offers financial relief and the freedom to enjoy the activities you love.


Dental coverage in the Veterans Administration falls below average, leaving veterans with inadequate care and often facing significant financial burdens. However, veterans with Medicare Parts A and B have an alternative solution available to them. Through comprehensive dental coverage options, veterans can access vital dental treatments, while also receiving a $1500 annual give-back on their Social Security retirement income. By taking advantage of this opportunity, veterans can improve their oral health, alleviate financial strain, and have more resources to enjoy life's pleasures. Don't wait any longer—call now and embark on a journey towards better dental health and overall well-being.

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